Gah my fingers hurt from all this drawing x__x
Me and Evil-Dog still hard at work finishing up Road2, if you wanna know more about that game check out my last news post.
We are considering porting to stage 3d or something for the extra acceleration but maybe not, if we do it will delay it a bit more though. Unfortunately Adobe added these weird licensing rules and stuff for using their 3d stuff, and it doesn't even seem to work :P so it makes that process even more annoying! wee!
"Currently, each licensed game must have its root SWF hosted on a different domain (or different subdomain) than any other licensed game's root SWF. To license the games separately, move each game's root SWF to a unique subdomain and then register the subdomain. If you use a single licensed domain to host multiple root SWFs, all those SWFs are considered a single game from a licensing and revenue share standpoint. If for some reason you must do this, then you should consolidate all the included games into a single game entry in the Games Dashboard, giving the entry a generalized game name that refers to the whole set of games."
so... we have to get a license to use 3d features, must tell them each host that will host the game, and put a file on the server? That doesn't seem like how flash games are suppose to work :P
anyway the game is shaping up really well, Evil-Dog's doing an amazing job coding up a storm for it, and the voice actors have put in some killer dialogue, and our music guy has made some really catchy music tracks, even better than the last game!
Pretty much everyone from the first game is involved, and have really upped their game for the sequel.
So back to porting Range of the Dead to flash, unity 4 is out, but wouldn't you know the export feature isn't working right, so that's still up in the air. hopefully we can figure a solution for it.
Also, we wanna try to port Poltergifts to mobiles for christmas time, and maybe with new boss battles added into it, since I wanted to add those originally but we didn't have enough time.
Oh, and next year will be Dead Rain's 10 year anniversary, haha I can't believe its been that long. fuck I'm getting old. :O I have something planned for that, but its a secret for now ;)