First off, new Death's Curtain art is up here so check it out.
Currently have a few projects underway, Death's Curtain episode 3 is an obvious one.
Also A new flash game is in the works, but Details are gonna be secret for now ;)
think silent hill meets bioshock?
Also I have an experiment I'm considering. personally I'm in need of moneys, not going to well, and since the mature nature of my artwork is well, so gore-tastic, its hard to get anywhere with it. So i'm considering releasing censored versions of my movies on NG, but with a link to uncut versions on my website (for free of course) for the revenue. and also perhaps if the movie is censored I'd be able to use the NG API as well (since NG won't allow mature rated movies/games to use it).
Your stuff is good enough that I'm sure if you told people that they could donate to you they'd go for it.