UPDATE Ok I was having a bug in flash where I couldnt compress the jpegs without them dissapearing in the published movie but I found a fix finally, and it brought the filesize down enough so I wont have to wait on my limit to be raised. so I can upload at anytime, which will be this afternoon, enjoy!
death's curtain episode 2 is finished and ready to go!
I've never had so many problems making a flash movie before. Its been a nightmare but all the kinks are worked out and its working fine (so it seems).
The movie will be submitted as soon as tom or another admin gets around to it and ups my upload limit, because the movie is just under 21 mbs.
So it will be submitted real soon, could be in a few minutes to days depending on admins. its comicon today so they are probably busy atm so I'm guessing tomorrow or tuesday.
Hope you all enjoy the new movie, and realize its part of a series, still in its early stages, so the story is still setting things up, but I think it still holds up on its own. but I'll let you be the judge.
And special thanks go out to the wonderful voiceactors that lended their voices to this project!
Phillip Sacramento, Lucian Dodge, and Laura Post!Update
You could possibly compress and convert it into episode 2-1 and episode 2-2
eh this movie needs to be all in one or it will suffer.